
7 Apr 2011

If Your Oil Burner Will Not Start

Make Sure Your Have Fuel (Easy Fix)
This is a common problem and the easiest to solve.
Check your tank and make sure you have heating oil.  Many people run out and do not realize it.
You should be in the habit of checking the level every so often but many do not.
Its a common mistake and if you notice that it is low call the heating oil distributor to come and re-fill your tank.  Then follow these instructions on bleeding and re-priming the oil burner pump.

Press the Reset Button (Easy Fix)

There is a small red button of the side of your oil burner that you can press.  It will usually be squared shaped.  It can get tripped for several different reasons.  This button is one this device for safety precautions and shuts the burner down should it detect something to be wrong.  Press it to reset everything and the oil burner should fire up. You may have to press it more than once but after the third time if nothing happens then there is something else wrong.
If none of the two things just mentioned worked then you need to call a qualified heating technician out.  You could troubleshoot further but if you are not trained you might do more harm than good.
Nevertheless it is important to know what the technician is going to be looking at when he comes to make a service call on your oil burner.  The following are the items he will check first.
Cad Cell Problem
The cad cell is connected to the reset button.  It is a light sensor that detects the light on the flame.  When it senses that the flame has stopped but the machine is still going it shuts down everything.  This is a one of the single most important safety mechanism for an oil burner.  You do not want flammable heating oil to still be running through your system not being ignited.  It would build up and when a spark is finally produced there could be a HUGE exploitation.
The cad sensor on your oil burner could be dirty so it is not detecting the flame properly, could be broken and needing to be replaced, or something else could be wrong and the cad cell is doing its job.
Please see this post for more information about diagnosing possible cad cell relay device problems on your burner.
Weak Ignition Transformer
The transformer that ignites the two electrodes could be getting weak or barely working.  If the sparks are not strong enough then the flame required is not being produced.
Electrodes Not Set Right
The is optimal spacing of your two electrodes so that the oil being sprayed out of the nozzle is ignited just right.  If these two electrodes get out of place then the whole system will not operate like it should.
Bad Fuel Pump
This commonly happens.  Your fuel pump may be faulty and a nice constant flow of heating oil may not be going to your oil burner like it should.
Too Much Water In Oil Tank
Moisture can build up in your tank more easily than you think diluting your heating oil.  This can make it impossible for it to be burned.
Other Possible Reasons Oil Burner is Not Running (Properly)
  • Too Much Soot in Oil Burner
  • Electrical connections too loos
  • Flexible couplings are damaged
  • Faulty primary control
  • Oil Burner motor is bad


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