
7 Apr 2011

Steam Boilers

Small & Medium-size Boilers for Saturated Steam

Steam are produced on steam boilers. But what type of steam boilers should be used ?  It is a jungle to find the right boiler - there are numerous type of steam boilers - small / large, fuel/electrical/recuperative, water tube / fire tube, superheated steam for turbines / saturated steam for process heating etc.

In this chapter only small and medium size boilers for saturated steam is discussed. They are used for process heating and the capacity is limited to 3 - 4000 kg per hour.

Conventional Oil / gas-fired 3-Pass Steam Boiler
First the heat source must be decided. Using fuel for the combustion, the options are normal available qualities within fuel oil or gas - it could also be a bio-fuel heat source. Still, within these type of fuel, the steam can be produced in either a classic steam boilers or a compact steam generator. If you are not sure how to choose - then it might be a good idea to read more about this, using below link. It helps you to select between these two types of steam boilers and different principles, and hopefully gets you the optimal solution for your particular task.
Steam can also be produced on electric steam boilers. These types has become an good environmental option in a time where wind power, water power and nuclear power can deliver electrical energy without producing CO2. These boilers are fast and economical to install, but still very often expensive to use in many countries. In more and more countries however, a special low night rate are offered. The electric boilers are perfect for rather small steam capacities almost everywhere in the world.
Speaking about the green issue, the most environmental solution with the lowest operational costs,  - is the exhaust gas steam boilers offering steam production from waste heat utilization. They are also called recuperative steam boilers.
Finally a special design of steam boilers also offers customised solutions for clean steam applications. This is used for instance in food industry and for other clean applications (autoclaves, humidifying etc.).
Below you will find some of the most common options available for small and medium sized steam boilers for process heating. There are other options of very special and customised solutions:
  • Steam generators with forced feed water circulation / Oil & Gas-fired
  • Fire-tube steam boilers / Oil & Gas-fired
  • Electrical steam boilers
  • Exhaust gas steam boilers - steam production by waste heat utilization (heat recovery)
  • Evaporators - production of steam by heat exchanging to e.g. hot thermal oil.
  • Clean steam boilers - production of sanitary / culinary steam for food industry
  • Clean steam boilers - production of clean steam for special application process industry
  • Steam reboilers - production of clean steam steam by high pressure raw steam
  • Pure steam reboilers - production of pharmaceutical quality steam (e.g. WFI-based).

recommends these links for more technical details :



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